NicProxy Domain Registrar

+90(212) 213 29 63
ICANN-Accredited Domain Registrar

Professional Services for
NicProxy Resellers

White label WHOIS
NicProxy API and
Technical Support

Reseller Login

Become a NicProxy Reseller, Registrar Service Provider

NicProxy has a global network of Partners who resell our domain name registration services to end-customers worldwide. If you are a large-sized Web Service Provider, Datacenter, Web Hosting Company, Domain Reseller, Domain Portfolio Owner, ISP, Systems Integrator or Web Consultant you may join our growing network of worldwide partners..

1. Apply

Please just fill out the enrollment form to join our reseller program.
Completing this form will provide NicProxy with the information necessary to set up your reseller account.

  • Submit two signed original Domain Registrar - Registrar Service Provider Agreement, duly signed by your organization's authorized person(s).
  • Submit two signed original Confidentiality Agreements, duly signed by your organization's authorized person(s).
  • Submit a complete RSP Data Form

Both originals are to be signed by your organization's authorized person. Return the two signed original Agreements to the NicProxy mail address. Faxes of this agreement will not be accepted.

2. Payment Options and Payment

A one-time, minimum deposit is required to activate your account and will go into a domain name Registration Fund for you to spend with NicProxy. Deposits, including your initial deposit, to your Registration Fund can be made by numerous payment options.

3. Account Activation and Test Environment

Once your account is credited with your initial deposit, NicProxy Customer Service sends your account information. Then you can login Web Interface and register domain names.
While you are in the process of implementing the API, you may require to your test account for access to Test Environment from NicProxy Customer Service.

4. Web Interface and API

You can use the Web Interface web-based registration and management tool to start selling immediately. The NicProxy API (Application Program Interface) also enables you to integrate the NicProxy application into your Web site so you can brand and sell our services directly to your customers.

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