NicProxy Domain Registrar

+90(212) 213 29 63
ICANN-Accredited Domain Registrar

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ICANN Accredited and Certified Registry Service Provider

ICANN Accredited Registrar

NicProxy is accredited by ICANN (Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers) as a domain name registrar.

ICANN is the authority of the global Internet coordination: assigning domains, IP address and DNS Root servers.

VeriSign Certified Registrar

As the authoritative domain name registry for .com and .net, VeriSign offers some of the most popular top-level domains (TLDs). Niche TLDs such as .tv and .cc help registrars target domain name promotions to rich media sites and consumers who desire more personalized domain names. As a VeriSign Certified Registrar NicProxy manages .com, .net, .cc and .tv domain name extension with VeriSign SRS (Shared Registration System) directly.

PIR Certified Registrar

Public Interest Registery is responsible for operating .ORG and maintaining the authoritative database of all .ORG domain names. As a PIR Certified Registrar NicProxy manages .org domain name extension with PIR SRS directly.

Afilias Certified Registrar

Afilias provides registry services for .INFO, .ORG, .mobi (for the mobile Internet), .aero (for the aerospace industry), .asia (for the Asia Pacific region) and several country code TLDs (ccTLDs). Afilias supports over 14 million domain names across 15 top-level domains. As an Afilias Certified Registrar NicProxy manages .info domain name extension with Afilias SRS directly.

NeuStar Certified Registrar

NeuStar is responsible for all aspects of the .BIZ Registry, including operating the SRS, DNS, and WHOIS. As a NeuStar Certified Registrar NicProxy manages .biz domain name extension with NeuStar SRS directly.

GDI Certified Registrar

Global Domains International, Inc. is responsible for all aspects of the .WS Registry, including operating the SRS, DNS, and WHOIS. As a GDI Certified Registrar NicProxy manages .ws domain name extension with GDI SRS directly.

CentralNic Certified Registrar

CentralNic currently has a portfolio of more than 23 domain names available to users worldwide, including EU.COM (Europe), UK.COM (United Kingdom), US.COM, (United States), CN.COM (China) and RU.COM (Russia). As a CentralNic Certified Registrar NicProxy manages supported these ccTDLs and TDLs with CentralNic SRS directly.

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